

name type (default value) description
position util.vector2 (0, 0)
Offsets the position of the widget from its parent’s
top-left corner in pixels.
size util.vector2 (0, 0) Increases the widget’s size in pixels.
relativePosition util.vector2 (0, 0)
Offsets the position of the widget from its parent’s
top-left corner as a fraction of the parent’s size.
relativeSize util.vector2 (0, 0) Increases the widget’s size by a fraction of its parent’s size.
anchor util.vector2 (0, 0)
Offsets the widget’s position by a fraction of its size.
Useful for centering or aligning to a corner.
visible boolean (true) Defines if the widget is visible
propagateEvents boolean (true) Allows base widget events to propagate to the widget’s parent.
alpha number (1.0)
Set the opacity of the widget and its contents.
If inheritAlpha is set to true, this becomes the maximum alpha value the widget can take.
inheritAlpha boolean (true)
Modulate alpha with parents alpha.
If the parent has inheritAlpha set to true, the value after modulating is passed to the child.


Base widget events are special, they can propagate up to the parent widget. This can be prevented by changing the propagateEvents property, or by assigning an event handler. The event is still allowed to propagate if the event handler returns true.

name first argument type description
keyPress KeyboardEvent A key was pressed with this widget in focus
keyRelease KeyboardEvent A key was released with this widget in focus
mouseMove MouseEvent
Mouse cursor moved on this widget
MouseEvent.button is the mouse button being held
(nil when simply moving, and not dragging)
mouseClick nil Widget was clicked with left mouse button
mouseDoubleClick nil Widget was double clicked with left mouse button
mousePress MouseEvent A mouse button was pressed on this widget
mouseRelease MouseEvent A mouse button was released on this widget
focusGain nil Widget gained focus (either through mouse or keyboard)
focusLoss nil Widget lost focus
textInput string Text input with this widget in focus


name type (default value) description
slot bool (false)
Only applies for template content (ignored in layout content).
If true, all the widgets defined in layout content will be rendered as children of this widget.
Only one widget per template can have slot = true (others will be ignored).