Interface AnimationControllerΒΆ

OpenMW version: 0.49.0
core.API_REVISION: 60 *

Animation controller interface


  • local anim = require('openmw.animation')
    local I = require('openmw.interfaces')
    -- play spellcast animation 
    I.AnimationController.playBlendedAnimation('spellcast', { startkey = 'self start', stopkey = 'self stop', priority = {
         [anim.BONE_GROUP.RightArm] = anim.PRIORITY.Weapon,
         [anim.BONE_GROUP.LeftArm] = anim.PRIORITY.Weapon,
         [anim.BONE_GROUP.Torso] = anim.PRIORITY.Weapon,
         [anim.BONE_GROUP.LowerBody] = anim.PRIORITY.WeaponLowerBody
         } })
  • -- react to the spellcast release textkey
    I.AnimationController.addTextKeyHandler('spellcast', function(groupname, key)
        -- Note, Lua is 1-indexed so have to subtract 1 less than the length of 'release'
        if key.sub(key, #key - 6) == 'release' then
            print('Abra kadabra!')
  • -- Add a text key handler that will react to all keys
    I.AnimationController.addTextKeyHandler('', function(groupname, key)
        if key.sub(key, #key - 2) == 'hit' and not key.sub(key, #key - 7) == ' min hit' then
  • -- Make a handler that changes player attack speed based on current fatigue
    I.AnimationController.addPlayBlendedAnimationHandler(function (groupname, options)
        local stop = options.stopkey
        if #stop > 10 and stop.sub(stop, #stop - 10) == ' max attack' then
            -- This is an attack wind up animation, scale its speed by attack 
            local fatigue = Actor.stats.dynamic.fatigue(self)
            local factor = 1 - fatigue.current / fatigue.base
            speed = 1 - factor * 0.8
            options.speed = speed

Type AnimationController


Add new playBlendedAnimation handler for this actor If handler(groupname, options) returns false, other handlers for the call will be skipped.

AnimationController.addTextKeyHandler(groupname, handler)

Add new text key handler for this actor While playing, some animations emit text key events.

AnimationController.playBlendedAnimation(groupname, options)

Make this actor play an animation.


Interface version

Type AnimationController



Add new playBlendedAnimation handler for this actor If handler(groupname, options) returns false, other handlers for the call will be skipped.


  • #function handler : The handler.

AnimationController.addTextKeyHandler(groupname, handler)

Add new text key handler for this actor While playing, some animations emit text key events.

Register a handle to listen for all text key events associated with this actor's animations. If handler(groupname, key) returns false, other handlers for the call will be skipped.


  • #string groupname : Name of the animation group to listen to keys for. If the empty string or nil, all keys will be received

  • #function handler : The handler.

AnimationController.playBlendedAnimation(groupname, options)

Make this actor play an animation.

Makes a call to openmw.animation#playBlended, after invoking handlers added through addPlayBlendedAnimationHandler


  • #string groupname : The animation group to be played

  • #table options : The table of play options that will be passed to openmw.animation#playBlended

#number AnimationController.version

Interface version

Type Package

AnimationController Package