Built-in Setting Renderers

OpenMW version: 0.49.0
core.API_REVISION: 61 *


Single line text input


Table with the following optional fields:

name type (default) description
disabled bool (false) Disables changing the setting from the UI


True / false (yes/no) toggle


Table with the following optional fields:

name type (default) description
disabled bool (false) Disables changing the setting from the UI
l10n string (‘Interface’) Localization context with display values for the true/false values
trueLabel string (‘Yes’) Localization key to display for the true value
falseLabel string (‘No’) Localization key to display for the false value


Numeric input


Table with the following optional fields:

name type (default) description
disabled bool (false) Disables changing the setting from the UI
integer bool (false) Only allow integer values
min number (nil) If set, restricts setting values to numbers larger than min
max number (nil) If set, restricts setting values to numbers smaller than max


A small selection box with two next / previous arrows on the sides


Table with the following optional fields:

name type (default) description
disabled bool (false) Disables changing the setting from the UI
l10n string (required) Localization context with display values for items
items #list<string> ({}) List of options to choose from, all the viable values of the setting


Hex-code color input with a preview


Table with the following optional fields:

name type (default) description
disabled bool (false) Disables changing the setting from the UI


Allows the user to bind inputs to an action or trigger


Table with the following fields:

name type (default) description
key #string Key of the action or trigger to which the input is bound
type ‘action’, ‘trigger’ Type of the key